OK, so a few months ago I was on my laptop doing homework and this really creepy horror music started playing really quietly for about 20 seconds. I checked to see the volume and it was on silent. So then I checked to see if any tabs were open, there wasn't. So, I ignored it and went back to work. After 7 minutes, it played again, except louder and for a minute. My laptop was still on silent, no tabs were open. So, I told my parents and they said if it happens again, tell them. So I carried on working and after 3 minutes and a bit, it played again, really loud. Silent, no tabs open. I just sat and listened for a bit, I had never heard it before. So I ran to get my parents and I could hear it down the hall. The minute I stepped back into my room, EXACTLY, it stopped. I really freaked out then and my mum had heard it before it stopped. It didn't happen again. I have Malaware, Adobe, loads of virus trackers and spyware stuff, and ALL said it was fine. I have searched the internet for this tune, but I haven't found it once. Then, this creepy music, the exact tune, played on my phone before. I didn't realise it at the time (I thought it was an advert) but it has just clicked now. I am really freaking out, HELP! What is going on? None of my friends who heard it has heard it before. I need help, none of my friends would prank me like this and I am FREAKING OUT. HEEEELPPPPP