Does the moon really affect the behavior of human?why'?

Answers (4)

No the moon does not affect human behavior. There is no proof no studies with evidence. And it is darn impossible to convince people it is all urban legend and myth. I believe it was in the UK where a police force added more cops on full moon dates to handle the expected increase in crazy behavior. None happened. They eventually stopped and saved a lot of money. Every person who has watched the wolfman movie will harbor the fantasy that the moon does cause problems. It only does in stories.

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Not normally....unless you mean like tides forcing people to move further up a beach or something like that. It doesn't directly effect human behavior though.

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It's a question of belief mostly but you can ofc also influence yourself to think about stuff in a specific way even if there is no scientific proof. ;)

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At one time everybody walked everywhere they went. Walking home at night would of course depend a lot on moonlight. So that is one example of the moon affecting human behavior.

At one time, in some areas, young boys might be unsupervised. They might do some annoying things on nights when they could see clearly, and that is another example of the moon affecting human behavior.

Light from the moon is polarized. A prankster might leave a man's razor on a windowsill where the moonlight could hit it and that would dull the blade. That is another example of the moon affecting human behavior.

There may be more examples, but they can be awfully hard to verify, and some are just hard to believe.

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