My crush and I got to know eachother by texting.he originally had a crush on my best friend and he got to text number through emails she had been sending via my ipod. Anyway, we text eachother everyday and we both admitted to liking eachother a bit. Later that night we said we liked eachother a lot. We were both really happy. Last night I texted him and said that I loved him. He was really surprised. I asked him if he felt the same for me and he said that we don't know eacthother that well, but he still likes me. (I wasn't upset or anything) Anyway, he's a year younger than me, we don't go to the same schools, and we've never properly met eachother (we did catch a glance at eachother at a play). I think about him all the time. The problem is I'm really shy and if I ever met him I would be really nervous. Also, my mom doesn't want me to text guys! But yet I text him. She doesn't know about him and I'm scared she will find out and not let me text him :(. Can anyone give me tips to deal with my crush, how to become less shy, or if I should tell my mom about him?!? Thanks so much!!!