How are human rights connected to respect?

Answers (3)

hu·man right
plural noun: human rights
a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person.

An easy one to explain is same sex marriage. If everyone has the same human right to fall in love and get married you cannot deny that basic human right to gays simply because you dont like gays or your particulat religion doesnt like them. Human rights extend to everyone not just certain groups. The basic right to marry a race different than your own is another one.

You respect their right to have a spouse just like everyone else can have if they want.

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Marriage is not a "right". Marriage is a condition. There is a three way corporation created by the government, also called "marriage", but little resemblance between the two.

Right means straight up, square, correct, the strong arm, a legal privilege. The common meaning to all those things is strength. You have a right to life, but only if you are strong enough to cling to it. You have a right to the space you occupy, but only if you are strong enough to defend it. You have a right to own property, but only if you can guard it from all attackers. You may obtain the services of a champion to defend your rights, or create a government for that purpose, but of course the champion's loyalty might become a concern, and governments always eventually renege on the contract.

Respect is not directly related to rights. To respect rights only means you are not going to attack without a good reason.

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The my-country-first philosophy fuels human rights violations. Human rights, therefore, will be realized only ‘if a world government comes about that is in a position to take enforceable measures,’ says Dutch professor of law and economy Jan Berkouwer.
In other words, for human rights to become a global reality, at least two things have to happen first: a change of mind and a change of government.
Man must received his faculties of reason and conscience from a higher source.Matthew 22:37-39
Recognizing this higher, divine source provides a powerful reason for you to respect your fellowman. You then treat others with dignity not only because your conscience prompts you to do so but, more important, because your respect and love for the Creator moves you to treat his creation with dignity.
It is interesting to know that right now there are over eight million people from all race, culture and languages are treating their fellowmen with the dignity and respect they deserve through accurate knowledge of what the bible teaches us. The program clears racial and ethnic barriers and crumbles the walls of nationalism by teaching the Bible’s view of race: There is only one race—the human race. (Acts 17:26)
We have to learn how to view man (or women) of all sorts through bible trained conscience. the Bible says: “[He] is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”— Acts 10:34, 35
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