I used to have quite long hair but with constant dying it and using harsh colours in my hair like purples, its just gotten so short. I also have anemia and i have been told this could also be a reason, although i do take iron medicine for this now so hopefully i see some changes soon.
I get my hair coloured every 6 weeks, just sticking now with brown and staying away from the vibrant hard to keep colours!, my natural hair colour is dirty fair. I got my hair cut maybe 2 and a half months ago, because i noticed how bad it had gotten, short and unable to do anything with it.. i was hoping it would have grown since then but i dont think that it has... i went and got my hair coloured about 4 weeks ago and nothing cut off that time but it still doesn't seem to be getting any longer.

i drink plenty of water, i have stopped dying it, i only use straightners/hairdryer at weekends, i take iron medicine, i use serum before i use any heat on it, i am using a shampoo & conditioner called fast... nothing seems to be working and its really depressing me as i do not suit short hair at all and i miss having it longer.

has anyone tips for me? or does anyone know why its not really growing? thank you!