How did the World War I peace settlement (Treaty of Versailles) help cause World War II?

Answers (3)

The settlement caused a lot of imbalance . (1),the countries who won, like the UN,France&America.they controled the meeting & come up with many unfair conditions as:germany should give out extremely large rewards to the winner,its colonies overseas had to be separated into 3 main parts to be under the winners charge, and there are much press on army:germany is forbidden to keep the army,no ship or airplane...these severe items really provoked the germans.they cursed&hated these winners.then the feelings were seized &used by hitler.he damaged the civilization in germany.Raise people's anger to start a new world war.(2) the uneven between these winners:england,france,america,italy,japan,etc.had debated for a long time.they had their own purposes but only several countries achieved.that caused the winners did not want to help each other or just let the weak countries die in world war

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the german government was forced to pay a lot of money. this angered hitler which may have sent them into WWII

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French hubris and greed, German humiliation and resultant economic collapse, leading to eccentric political partisanship. Plus the non-intervention of Britain and the US in blunting French demands. Settling instead for the higher ideal of a League of Nations. In a nutshell.

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