I am very afraid of death. Not my death, but anyone that I love's death. It really scares me?

Answers (5)

That is natural, the majority of people have this fear. It's better not to think about it, because death is inevitable and there's nothing we can do to stop it (yet), it would be a waste of time worrying about something that will definitely happen anyway.

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At one time I felt like you, but I started to study the Bible and came to accurate knowledge of the dead. There are a couple scriptures that really help me over come that fear. Let's take a look at them :

1) Ecclesiastes 9:5 says, "For the living know that they will die, but the dead knows nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten."
This scripture helps us to see the dead knows nothing. In fact it tells us they have no memory indicating the dead have no power to help us or harm us, the dead is in a state of unawareness no need to fear them.

2) Hebrews 2:15 says, " He might set free all those who were held in slavery all their lives by their fear of death."
This relates to me when I did not know better about the dead. Since I have study God's word dilegently I come to accurate understanding that those who have fear for the dead are bonded in slavwry, but am no longer a victim of slavery of the dead but knows for a fact now that the dead are conscious of nothing at all and now I am out of the bondage of being fearful in slavery of the dead.

Hope the above information help you break free from your fear of the dead. If you need more information or have other questions please contact me.

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Death is decidedly a grief-inducing element within the experience of our human family. It is associated with tragic loss and with a feeling of utter helplessness by bereaved survivors.
False religion has left many confused as to the whereabouts and condition of the dead. Heaven, hell, purgatory, Limbo—these and various other destinations range from being incomprehensible to being downright terrifying. The Bible, on the other hand, tells us that the dead are unconscious; they are in a condition best compared to sleep. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10; John 11:11-14) Therefore, we need not worry about what happens to us after death, any more than we worry when we see someone sleeping soundly. Jesus spoke of a time when “all those in the memorial tombs” would “come out” to renewed life on a paradise earth.—John 5:28, 29; Luke 23:43
Knowing the truth about death frees us from fear.
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We are afraid of death because we do not realize the Truth. What is the Truth? First of all, death is certain, nobody can escape it. So why do we fear it? It has to come today, tomorrow or next year or maybe ten years later. The second point is death is in the hands of the Divine, therefore we don't have to fear death. When it has to come it will come. Just like we cannot control our birth, we cannot control death. They are in the hands of the Divine. Therefore, we must not have any fear of death. It is this fear of death, that is the problem. But what is the cause of the fear? It is Ignorance. Ignorance causes two fears, one is the fear of loss of everything that is known, and a bigger fear, a fear of the unknown beyond death. When you know death is a doorway to God, you know that death is liberation, then death becomes the celebration.

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"When you look at Death in the eyes and Death blinks first, nothing seems impossible." It's a completely normal feeling that everyone feels in life. I'm also quite afraid of death, mine and my loved ones' deaths as well. It's a normal feeling. Everyone gets that feeling especially when your life is on the line.

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