I'm a temp and I'm being told I talk too much or I'm aburpt Where's the middle ground?

Responses (2)

well employers when you work for them the company has its rules as to what they allow it might be that you might have information about whats going on in the company you might not know this but they think if you found out information that they don't want you to find out or your talking about other workers or they figure you come across in a way that it offends another worker or your talking alot that they feel is not in their best policy and is keeping you from job performance it may be getting in the way of that or someone has complained about it to the supervisors it could get you to lose your job because of the way they think my self try not to involve your self in this behavior and limit what you say they might figure that sooner or later you'll quit anyway cause of restricting you on the basis of not being aloud to have that conversation plus now they don't have a reason to let you go they can make up a reason one could do nothing about about it

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Hi Scully,
I'm off the opinion that work is for making money not friends perhaps if you take this approach you will find you talk less and therefore you won't get in trouble especially being a temp job there today gone tomorrow.mind you this isn't to say those that work together for years shouldn't become friends you just need always be careful in the work place someone you think is a friend might just toss you under the bus for a promotion.hope this helps.

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