I'm not a vegetarian but I feel bad every time I eat meat. Why is this?

Responses (5)

I'm not a vegetarian either however my sister is, this may possibly be because, you know that people are killing the animals for meat but you may like the taste of meat so don't want to give up eating it. I feel the same sometimes but I know that if I give up eating meat I am not gonna get the right nutrients from meat substitutes. Hope this helps and I'm sorry if it doesn't.

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I'm going to guess its because there are continuously more people waking up to the fact that animals have feelings, too. Every day there are more and more people going vegan because they feel like it is wrong to eat living beings. I'm not trying to push you to go vegetarian or anything, but if you feel guilty for it, there is probably a good reason for it. I would advise maybe not eating meat for a week, then see how you feel. Hope this helps! :)

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And also, another question I would ask is, is your meat ethically sourced? Organic? Or is it produced in a factory farm? Just some things to think about...

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Maybe you have an allergy to iron or something like that cause meat contains iron.also probably cause you might eat too much of it cause there's a lot of things that contain iron.

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I'm not trying to be smart-alecky when I say, I think you know why. Most people try to hold two positions which are not reconcilable: "I don't want to hurt animals" and "I like to eat dead animals."

Deep inside, we know this is illogical, but everyone around us makes it seem normal, and going against that seems difficult, so instead of changing we just feel guilty. Going vegan liberated me. I'm by no means perfect, but I no longer have to make up (or borrow) excuses that even I don't really believe. Meat doesn't tell me who I am anymore. Cheese is no longer the boss of me. My ethics come from my true beliefs, not a craving, or tradition, or what my friends and family are doing.

Good luck.

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