This will take some explaining, so thank you to anyone who reads this and responds.

I've been talking to a girl I met online for almost two years now. We started talking in a group chat, but when the community fell apart we continued talking, and still do to this day. The longer we talked, we noticed how much we have in common with each other, we've always been like mirror-images of each other, thinking and feeling the same things and often reacting to situations in similar ways. My point is, we're very close and we spend a lot of time talking, doing video calls and gaming, and we both really care about each other and love each other. We talk about everything, we've had arguments and we've pulled through and learned from them.

The unfortunate and painful reality is, she lives in the United States and I like in the UK.

I'm graduating from university soon, and although we both really hope we can meet each other soon, and fantasise about everything we'd do together, we're worried we might never meet each other, let alone go further with our relationship, despite quite literally feeling like soul mates.

I'm not looking for answers such as "it's not worth it" or "find someone else" or anything of that nature. We've both thought a lot about it and we understand the risks of what we're trying to accomplish. This question is just me trying to plan for the future, so I know what my goals should be for the future to try and make this happen.

All I'm asking for is, if we do manage to meet and we still feel the connection between us, what would be the best way for one of us to live with the other, either in the UK or USA? I know the emotional implications of this, but I'm just looking for the cold, hard facts when it comes to, effectively, migrating as a post-graduate to live with someone in another country, including something like finding a job that fits my degree there. I thought asking here would be a good idea, since I don't know what else to do and thinking about it isn't solving anything. I've tried researching online, but I feel like I'd rather put my trust in a real person here, who's been through something similar and can give some advice from the other side. Maybe someone has some experience with this sort of thing, either from the relationship side, or the migration side. Thanks in advance for any serious replies.