... It’s all about positive affirmations and attracting what you want to yourself through the law of attraction. This movie feels like a religion to me! It reminds me of really powerful strategies to visualize what I want and then obtain it. It’s worked for me and I don’t know anyone in my close friends or close family that is opposed to this idea or movie. My boyfriend has severe anxiety and depression. When we started watching it a few months ago, he was reluntant and I told him we could just watch the first part and he could see if he really would hate it. It ended up making him really anxious. I think this is because it was talking about how we attract everything to our life good and bad. And that idea that he was attracting his struggles made him have a panic attack...who knows. Just my guess. We didn’t get any further. He’s participated in an anxiety help group and finished it. He’s come so far and is doing so well. I keep thinking about how I want to watch this movie. I have this desire when ever I’m feeling insecure or depressed because it reminds me that I’m in charge of my universe. Since I’m in love with my boyfriend and we do almost everything together, I really want to share this experience with him. He still says “he’s just not into it”. I don’t know what to do. I feel like it’s so important to me and at the same time like maybe I’m not being fair about his feelings. He argues that I wouldn’t watch “Saw” with him...which is his favorite movie...but I can’t handle any gore, or seeing anyone get hurt. My heart is really sensitive to that. I do watch other things he likes...I don’t know. What do you think?