I'm thirteen (which is still, understandably, young) and I'm struggling to find a way to express myself that my parents will approve of. Their main reasons are my safety - and I really do see where they're coming from - but I sometimes feel like they're becoming 'helicopter parents' and suffocating me. Despite trying to preserve my innocence and safety, I don't understand why they won't allow me to have some say in what I chose to do and the activities that interest me. I have always been a straight-A student, I am recognized by others for being a mature, responsible person, and I am a very well behaved child. In comparison to some of the behaviors of my peers, I consider my parents lucky to have such an easy child to deal with (not to sound so vain). In addition, I feel as though they are trying to force me into a person I don't want to be, based on the submissive attitude I have demonstrated nearly my entire life. I believe that they are under the impression that my 'teenage mind' is having difficulty making coherent decisions (as is the stereotype with most teenagers), and are underestimating my understanding of the dangers involved in my preferred activities, and the possible consequences (if it helps, my 'preferred activities' aren't anything super extreme - continuing gymnastics despite having broken my elbow from it last year, dance lessons {they think I will become too self-centered}, and youtubing {they don't want me to show my face and be possibly stalked or hated on, even though I understand the dangers}). I wish that I could convey to them my comprehension of their fears, and that they would listen to what I had to say on the topic without shooting me down as always. I have been shadowed by my siblings' accomplishments all my life, and the desire to not only please my parents, but to have a 'thing', is driving me up the wall. I wish that I could somehow make them change their minds and to allow me to express myself in one way or another, all the while gaining a better understanding of who I am as a person, and realizing that perhaps I am not as shallow-minded and not so egocentric.

Thanks for reading all I had to say ... I had to get it off my chest (and get some advice) before I launched it all to my parents. Any answers or help is greatly appreciated!