My sister is 18 years old. I'm 30. I always have given her a birthday and Christmas present. She has never given me or my parents anything for any birthday, holiday, or even Mother's Day. I never expect her to spend much money, if any, but I feel that she should give out something, to at least my parents, right? I've spoken to her about this numerous times, yearly trying to give her inexpensive gift ideas for our parents for Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Christmas. I even have gone as far as to specifically say, "Go to this store and buy this for Mom, its only $5." She often replies, "Oh I'd rather make something." But she never follows through. I don't want to sound like a brat, or accidentally throw a temper tantrum, but how should I handle this? Should I just make it simple by not giving her any more presents? I know gifts should not always be expected... but she's 18 years old and has never gifted anyone anything. Please help.