a long story we have been together for 3 years to start with in a long distance relationship which we would visit each other every few months and spend time together but skype everyday and have phone calls. 6 months ago i moved nearer to him for university but university has not worked out and we spent a lot of time together and staying at each others all the time we got into lots of debt through my overdraft & his credit card his parents found out and went mental and there was big arguments between all of us. we both agree we made mistakes and we hid our heads in the sand, we agreed we needed to make changes as he was traveling 140+ a day to work and back which is how we got into most of the debt we agreed we needed to see each other a little less. but after week of not seeing each other as we were having time apart to sort things out i received a skype call with him crying saying he could not cope with everything them saying he had to choose between me or his family so i told him to come down so i could support him, then we met his parents a few days later but it caused a big problems his parents saying we had to break up he went to break up with me that evening but he said he couldn't do it because we love each other dearly. so they made him take all his stuff from my flat which was horrible and agreed we could only see each other on a sunday or with his mums permission i would just like to add in he's 22. I'm 19. we have been meeting in secret during the week just to be able to spend time together because one afternoon is simply not enough now his parents are saying that they'll keep on till he makes the right decision to split up with me and that he need to do it.
he's spoke to me saying he's scared because he doesn't want to lose me or his family and i feel the same way. just he likes to please everyone and is scared to stand up to anyone so i really dont know what to do. i dont want to lose him.