Well, my situation isn’t the worst, but it isn’t the best. My dad calls me names like cow, worthless, stupid, etc almost everyday. He can also be physically abusive at times. He’s beat me up over eating his ice cream, it wasn’t bad but he left a few bruises on my head. Then, he’s grabbed me by my neck and choked me. He’s also pushed down on my sister and lil brother’s eyes. Then my mom is like a narcissist or something. Any time you talk to her, she’s high strung, angry or screaming. One time I walked into the kitchen and said, “Mom”, and she screamed “WHAT”. For no reason whatsoever. Sometimes my brother calls me names such as cow and stupid too, and my parents don’t care... my dad just enables his actions. My brother is the favorite (they even said it to my face), so he gets away with murder. My mom also doesn’t buy me feminine products, even though I need them. And there’s so much more. I feel as if I have nobody. My parents cut off most of our family, so I’m not allowed to see them. Then, I barely have any friends. I have Aspergers, so it’s kinda hard for me to socialize, but I’ve gotten better. My school is terrible, and I’m miserable there. I tried transferring to another public school, but they won’t let me, even though I have valid reasons.