One of my very good friends has recently become a Nurse. Since being employed at hospital she has changed. She constantly goes on about "doctors", has only two nurse friends but goes out almost every week with doctors who are all male. She has been sexually involved with a few too. She constantly goes on about finding "love" and the only place it will happen will be at work.. blah blah blah. She claims though that she would never date another nurse and totally focuses on Doctors. I am finding it REALLY difficult to catch up with her. She very rarely invites me when she goes out with these doctors, so we catch up for the occasional coffee where she would just go on and on about work and finding a man. I mean.. she has already mentioned that new interns will be starting soon.

My question is, do I confront her about this "behaviour"? She used to be such a good friend and now I honestly feel sick when I have to see her. She makes me feel like I am "missing out" on so much fun and men or that any guy I will end up with will be nothing compared to a doctor. It actually infuriates me. I know I can just cut her off but she will question. Advice?