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Antique car are expansive to mainain why?

Hi friends, I have heard much time that antique cars or old cars are expansive but why. As they don't have technology like ...

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Will the plastic wrap at the airport ruin an antique leather suitcase?

My grandma has an old apricot coloured leather suitcase that I want to bring home with me, but the ...

3 answers | | Open

New Kitten Name?

Hello. Was looking for some suggestions on what to name a female kitten that I found at an Antique Store. Thank you!

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What is the best coin and antique collectors forums ?

what is the best coin and antique collectors forums ?

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What size staples for antique Bostitch T5 stapler?

I have a old Bostitch stapler and I am not sure what size staples it uses or if they even make staples for it anymore. ...

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