Flip Questions

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SAMSUNG Galaxy Z Flip4?

Samsung recently unveiled its fourth generation of foldable smartphones in the Galaxy Z Flip 4. What makes the Galaxy Z Flip 4 different from the ...

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What is the name of candy from the 90's, Flip Flops?

This particular candy came in a rectangular box, and each candy was circular with 2 flavor sides, like blue/red and yellow/orange, I think it was ...

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HELP Can you turn on an Alcatel Onetouch A392A Flip Phone without battery using just the power cord?

Please help I need an answer for this question asap if possible. Thanks. Can you turn on/Power on an Alcatel One touch A392A Flip Phone without the ...

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I'm 17, is it too late to start dancing professionally and/or as a career?

I used to dance when I were younger, I used to be able to do flips and tricks and I was ...

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Why does my horse stop when I say whoa lunging but when I say whoa riding he throws his head & flips

Before I get on my horse I lunge him to get some energy out and when ...

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I just want to know why she acted like this?

When I first started my job almost a year ago, this married girl gave me all the signs. She would stare at me in meetings and ...

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I need a drone that has a camera, flips, has long battery and is tiny. What should I get?

I have been wanting a drone to shoot some rock climbing videos. So it would be ...

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I hit my lip with my knee now there's a small bump on my lip?

I was doing some flips and I hit my lip with my knee and it doesn't hurt really it'd just numb but ...

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