Almost every single night I have different dreams but they all involve me pretty much having no gravity and I keep floating away but I'm freaking out because I'm floating away and I'm trying to get back to the ground and walk like normal but I can't, and I'm holding on to things trying not to float away. But other people in my dreams don't seem to acknowledge the fact that I'm floating away, they just have normal conversations with me like I'm standing on the ground with them. Like last night I was dreaming that I was having trouble standing on the ground in my back yard, and first I was talking to my brother at his truck, and I was holding on to the truck trying not to float away with my legs up in the air and I was holding onto the bed of the truck and my brother was just laughing trying to drive away and get my hold of the tailgate to let go. And then I was fighting with my boyfriend and I was holding onto the tree trying not to float away but he wasn't acknowledging the fact that I was floating away. I just remember how terrified I was of floating into the sky and no one noticed. Does anyone know what this constant reoccurring dream may mean?