Whats your opinion on gay people and they're rights as humans?

Responses (4)

they deserve to be happy just like the rest of us they don't hurt anyone they stay pretty much to their selfs their human just like we are they just want to stay be needed by their familys survive and make their partner happy

Votes: +3 / -0

Gay people deserve the same rights as every other person on the planet. They deserve happiness just like straight people.

Votes: +2 / -0

Gay people are like any other people who are straight or bi. They disserve the same rights: Happiness, Love and Freedom. I don't understand why it would even be an issue or a question. :)

Votes: +1 / -0

Gay People are human. It is the choices that they make that make people think they are inhuman. I personally do not think it is a hormonal imbalance or hereditary. I think it is a plain and simple choice. They are human afterall.

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