I am 11 years old and I'm in 6th grade. My mom and dad never got married. They were just boyfriend and girlfriend and broke up before I was born I think... they never really told me exactly.But I only see my dad sometimes when he's off work which is very rare because he's a manager. At first i thought that had to do with my crying problem. You know... not really being able to come home and say "Hey dad how was work?" or anything. And this one time my dad left his phone on the table at his house and he went in the garage. And his phone rang like for a text message. The message said it was from some girl named Brenda. And I thought "Okay its just one of his workers". And I was about to go take it to him but then I just had this pit in the bottom of my stomach. And I knew something was wrong. I wasn't going to snoop through his phone... But then I couldn't control my hands anymore and before I knew it I was unlocking his phone and looking through the texts. And it ended up being that Brenda was his girlfriend. And I started crying right there at that moment. I wasn't mad that he had a girlfriend though. I'm happy he found someone who he can connect with. I mean, in the texts she seemed so nice compared to MY mom. I'm just mad that he didn't TELL me. He got 1 phone call after one of my games from her, but I couldn't really hear what they were saying. And my mom always yells at me and we just moved into a new apartment, just me and her. I've also got school and drama with my friends and homework and softball which the coaches never cut us some slack. And I write songs and I'm trying to learn to play the piano. And I like singing and a lot of screamo bands. And I have to clean my room and put away clothes and stuff like that. And whenever someone try's to tell me something I'm doing wrong or things like that my eyes start burning really bad and I try to hold it in but sometimes I cant. This one time me and my dad were at Wal-Mart and I turned into one of the aisles to look for something and I turned around and he was standing in the other aisle. And I went over there to see what happened and some lady was talking to him about some Barbington audition or something. And I knew what it was at first and I started crying for no reason. So the next day my dad went to work and my mom took me to the audition and I was the first one that had to go up. But my eyes started burning and I started crying. I got my moms attention and mouthed "I Cant" and the lady told me I could go with my mom and after everyone was finished auditioning, we left. And lately I've been having these REALLY bad headaches which are making everything else hurt. They thought I needed glasses but I don't. So they took some blood and now I have to wait and I just don't know what to do. I don't know why but I don't like talking about why I feel like this because I don't know the answer to anything. And every time someone tries to help me I push them away. I cant. Its to much. I was even crying while writing this. Please help. Sorry this was so long.