I have a identical twin sister and my parents have arguements from time to time. They do give us clothes, food and many other basic things. But if I want to ask my mom a question most of the time she doesn't even reply. Once couple of years ago when I was 9 or 10 I hurt my elbow really badly and it bleeding. I didn't cry though. I told my mom who was talking with her friends. She basically ignored me or didn't notice. Even her friends noticed. I started to cry because it seemed like she didn't care. I hurt my ankle yesterday and my dad barely even cared even though he broke his leg before. I wanted to go upstairs but my ankle was hurting so I tried climbing up the stairs by my knees. My dad didn't even bother to help me. My mom came home and got angry at my dad for not caring and we went to a walk in clinic. You might be thinking that this is good but I still didn't feel happy. Before At school I had called him about it and I still had to walk home with my hurt ankle but fortunately my sister was there to help me. My friend's mother would have dropped me off to my home. But my friend had a after school practice. Today I stayed home today from school. Usually around 11 I have lunch but my dad didn't give me anything to eat so I had to go down the stairs which now takes long and get something to eat myself. I think about it a lot. Whether my parents care. Basically all my hobbies and my personality arose from YouTube or influenced by my kind friends. My twin sister mentioned this to me as well and we were both upset. I just started crying by just typing this up.