What is Astrology. Do you think it is dangerous? Have you had success?

Responses (6)

Astrology is the study of star, planet, and other celestial body positions to make predictions on stuff like future events, times that conjuctions and eclipses might happen. There is nothing dangerous about astrology and most people are just whiners who think that just because they dont like it it must be evil or bad. Most of them Christian. I am Christian and I use it because I know what it means and know that it is helpful and a god given practice. God gave us astrology, but too many people are blind to that fact and call it satanic worship. If it is so bad, why did God let 3 astrologers use their practice to study a newborn celestial star, to find and pay homage to his son Jesus. They were astrologers who used their practice to find and pay homage to the newborn king. Astrology works, that is a fact. But you must have peace of mind, and a calm spirit when you do it. Astrology isn't evil. It is our evil and dark feelings while doing astrology or other mystical practices that makes it wrong. If there is any reason why a mystical thing turns out evil, it is because the person is focusing on an evil or dark thought while doing it and it backfired. God and jesus are mystics I beings. I really don't think that if mysticism was made to be an evil things. Then God and jesus would come into existence as a mystical force.

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Astrology is a trust device and a pseudoscience that claims a connection between the positions and actions of celestial our bodies (such as planets and stars) and a variety of factors of human existence and activities on Earth. It is based totally on the concept that the positions of these celestial objects at the time of a person's delivery can affect their character traits, relationships, and future events.

Whether astrology is viewed unsafe or no longer generally relies upon on how it is used and interpreted. Some human beings locate comfort, guidance, and self-awareness via astrology, the use of it as a device for introspection and perception themselves and others. It can supply a feel of course and cause to some people and assist them make selections or cope with challenges.

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Astrology is a belief system that suggests a correlation between celestial positions and events in human life. It involves interpreting the positions of planets and stars to make predictions and offer insights into personality traits, relationships, and future events.

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Perceiving deterrents and boundaries to progress through Soothsaying
Vedic Soothsaying with certainty expresses the remainder that the 'progress in one's predetermination is debatable. Achievement is characterized as the genuine serenity and satisfaction of wants. It is achieved by one's capability to follow their self-way. This likewise develops as per one' s real essence.

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Astrology is a faith machine that suggests a connection between the positions and moves of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, and occasions and traits on Earth, which include human conduct and character traits. It is frequently used to create horoscopes, which are personalised predictions based totally on an individual's start date, time, and location.

The query of whether or not astrology is risky is a subjective one. From a scientific perspective, astrology lacks empirical proof to aid its claims, and its predictions are regularly regarded pseudoscientific. While many humans discover comfort, entertainment, or even practise in astrology, it's essential to strategy it with quintessential wondering and now not count number on it completely for making vital lifestyles decisions.

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Astrology has been rejected by the scientific community as having no explanatory power for describing the universe. Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions. Where astrology has made falsifiable predictions, it has been falsified.

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