Should laws be based on religion?

Responses (3)

Muslims do that. Is that what you want?

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When the Roman Catholics made the laws we got the Spanish Inquisition. When the Protestants made the laws we got the Salem witch trials. Now the Muslims make the laws and you can read the news stories. There is no explanation, there is only "Is that what you want?"

ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! Laws should always be made for the MAJORITY OF SOCIETY, not made by some person with a half baked concept of some man created belief system.

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Most of the laws governing us today, are man made converted laws to fit a group or groups based on nationality, perhaps location, and even race. How ever in order to get to the root of a matter there needs to be an investigation of, "who, what, where, and why?"
Everything is bound by laws. Law of gravity, land, sea, space and even time. Humans did not make these laws but are controlled by them.
The Bible says the Greatest Law Maker is God, He created these and other laws for our protection. However man took most of these laws and twisted them to benefit their selfish desire. This information you can read for yourself from the Bible @
1 Corinthians 2:14-16) for more information about "Laws" man's verses God's, please examine subject (Lawgiver)

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