My friend group has been through a lot but specifically me and my other friend ashlyn. She likes to take people's friends and i've witnessed it too. She acts like she does nothing wrong and calls me out for everything. She makes it seem like I'm the bad guy. And recently a couple weeks ago My other friends made us be friends again. Because we were fighting. I'll tell the story. So they said like our fighting has been going on for way too long and we need to become friends and that she would always say stuff behind my back. And my friends were starting to feel bad for me. And my other friends said they might just leave because of our fighting. My friend ashlyn complains a lot. And i haven't talked to her in a month so she had nothing to complain about. She acts like I'm her friend when my other friends are not around then I'm not her friend when they're around. We have all talked to the counselor at our school. And i tried kicking her out and telling her nicely. And i've tried almost everything i can. I can't let her take over. But she's about to. What can i do about this????