Assess the situation and check for injuries. If you are able to move and don't have any major injuries, move to a safe spot off the road. Do a thorough assessment of your body, looking for fractures, internal injuries, head trauma, and spinal cord injuries.

Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect any serious injuries like broken bones, internal bleeding, or head trauma. Symptoms of a concussion may take time to develop, so monitor for signs like sensitivity to light, balance issues, headaches, and nausea.

For less severe injuries, monitor your healing process. Some soreness is normal, but if you have difficulty doing daily activities after a day or two, get assessed by a doctor. Injuries like ankle sprains can sometimes turn out to be fractures.

Report the accident to the police and get a report number. This is required for filing an insurance claim.

Document the accident scene with photos if possible. Get contact information from any witnesses.

Notify your insurance company about the accident. Provide detailed, accurate information to help process the claim efficiently.

Seek treatment from experienced motorcycle accident doctors. Chiropractors and physical therapists who specialize in motorcycle injuries can provide the best care and help you recover as quickly as possible.

The recovery timeline depends on the severity of your injuries, but it's important to follow your doctor's treatment plan, attend all appointments, and take steps to support healing like resting, eating well, and managing stress. Seeking prompt medical care and following up on any lingering issues is key to making the fullest recovery.
