How to cope with worry and stress?

Answers (2)

I know how it feels to be stressed. Something that always helps me cope with anxiety is this thing called ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response) it really help me! I listen to it every night before I go to bed and it helps me with my panic attacks. If you do consider watching ASMR videos I personally suggest watching Olivia's Kissper ASMR or GentleWhispering.

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One can overcome all worry and stress, one does not need to cope with it because as long as we create worry and stress, it will continue to be a fire and burn us. Therefore, the goal is not how to cope with it, but to eliminate it. You can cope with worry and stress by being positive, by trying to act happy, by spending some time in silence and meditation, but you can eliminate worry and stress by realizing that you are not the mind that is a monkey that is causing all this stress. You realize what the cause of worry and stress is. It is the mind. It bombards us with one thought practically every second. This can be fifty thousand thoughts a day. It is this bombarding of thoughts that creates fear, worry, stress, anxiety, depression, even suicide. Kill the mind before the mind kills you. Eliminate the illusion of the mind. Realize you are the Divine Spirit.

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