In winter season, I used to drink lots of water. Due to this I needed to pee frequently.(like in a gaping of 1 hr). But in the night time, I'll be in deep sleep(8hrs) & neither I awake nor I pee in bed. I would be glad had i used to pee in bed. But when I wake up in the morning, I just feel so much pressure in my bladder that u can imagine the situation of a man who drinks lots of water in winter time & instate of peeing in 1 hr, he is holding it for 8hrs. This is not the case of 1 night. This used to happen every night. Then I stopped drinking lots of water few hrs before i sleep. & I dont think anything happened to me for few days after that. But today, since few days the following things happens to me:-
-I think I dont pee as much as i drink water.
-sometimes, I feel deep hungry.
-I think/I feel my bladder seems bigger.
-after sometime of drinking water I feel light pain in my bladder which i dont think i can even call it pain.
Im living my normal life. This things happening to me isnt even effecting me much.
I explained everything in detail. I'll be glad to hav ur replay. Plz help me. Thank u.