I have a family of squirrels at our apt and have run out of acorns for them. Am looking to purchase 10 lbs to begin with.
Answers (2)
That makes me wonder what they used to eat before you started feeding them. You probably are just supporting a population explosion and you don't know anything about possible consequences. You should check with animal control in your area for advice on feeding wild animals.
But to answer your question, a google search offers ten million links to acorn dealers.
We live in an apt complex and started feeding them a couple of months ago. There are only five that come to the patio on a regular basis. Due to health problems I am home most of the day and I and my cats enjoy their antics. Yes they survived before we started feeding them but when acorns are falling from the trees where i get my hair done it gives me the opportunity to get out of the house and do something that makes me happy.