I get paid as a server part of the pay period, and hourly in the kitchen the other part of the same pay period. When I get paid, my claimed tips takes money out of my overall claimed income. For example, lets say I work 18 hours, one 9 hour day I serve making $2.13+tips, one 9 hour day making $8.00/hour, my check says I made $163.43, they took out $97.33 for tips ( 15%of my sales ) they actually paid me $51.68. If you times 9hour x $8.00 =$72 + 9hour x $2.13 =$19.17 you g3t $91.17, even if they take taxes, etc (5.19fed, 9.23 fica) out, $51.68 doesn't add up to me, help! I work at a small business owned restaurant in TN.