Do spiritual appartitions exist and are they harmful to the living?

Answers (3)

I belive that they do exist but I don't think that they are harmfull.

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Why I believe that they arn't harmfull is because a spirit has no mass therefore it has no abilaty to manipulate.

I do believe in apparitions, But I don't believe they cause physical harm like with a knife or a gun etc. but they have been linked to, demons or evil spirits on many occasions but not every time they are seen. They take on a few different forms, like shadow people, ghosts, glowing orbs that streak through a room or outside and sometimes people can't make sense of what they are looking at.

Spiritual apparitions have also been linked to some UFO sightings and even abductions. Right now this is still under debate. But the evidence is there. You can find thousands of photos and hundreds of hours of video footage on youtube and other sites.

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Our belief in ghosts and spirits is very harmful because these are illusions that make us live in fear. We believe that people's spirits hover around us and they can harm us, they have power. But in reality, neither have we experienced this, nor is it true. It is just a figment of our imagination. People use this to make people continue to live with fear and to suffer. We must go beyond these superstitions, we must go beyond these beliefs and we must use our intelligence to realize the Truth and escape from such harmful beliefs.

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