Does war solve problems?

Answers (4)

It seems as though they shoudn't or can't solve a problem, yet I believe that if it is a real war, they can, and that depends on whether or not there is a real problem to solve. Many instigators would categorically dismiss your question either with an audible laugh, or perhaps just a sly grin as they toss your paper printed query towards an imaginary basketball hoop or the fire. They, not I, would denigrate the question. Without psych testing, one would describe as without conscience, certianly sociopathic, even psychopathic these instigators of bloodletting. Their reasons: greed[money,la nd,people,material, even water], self-esteem, public attention, the assumption of power,racial hatred, even their bad childhoods. People produce problems, and utilize war as their answers. But could we, as a people, or with allies have been able to depose herr Hitler without one? Europe even ourselves, might still be speaking German. It served a purpose and eliminated the problem. I believe there to be righteous war. American Revolution? There was a time I called Viet Nam home. A long time. Initially a rabid patriot, I became merely a true comrade, and bloodthirsty by accident. War served no purpose there, we were but interventionists. War can serve a purpose, but it is far beyond ugly. Homo sapiens and true, complete world peace are incompatible. And taking all the worlds armed conflicts into account, it is to me, a sad, sad, sad state of affairs. Sorry, this has become an essay. My answer, sometimes they do, but very much more often, they do not. Given time, this answer might require a book, hardback. Peace be with you and yours. JJB

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It doesn't, but as long as we rule the world, there will ALWAYS be WAR.

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Well, it depends. If its a scenario like WW2, or if the country has a dealy weapon, then yes. If it's over, money, or oil, then no. But no matter what we do, there will always be war, just cause all humans are stupid. You will disagree, but think about it. We can't solve the many many many problems in the world today. It takes us a huge amout of time for us to solve one tiny problem.

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What do you think? Men go out there and fight for something they didn't even get them selves into. They get slaughtered. Lives being wasted on a petty disagreement, about land, world power, and dictatorship. Do you that will solve a proplem, losing incent lives, you tell me(please comment).

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no i dont think it solves anything but some stuped people do

no i dont think it solves anything but some stuped people do