Employment had proved deathly for individual family and economy?

Answers (2)

That's a statement. Putting a question mark behind it doesn't make it a question. Try again and ask a real question.

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The use of "deathly" in this manner is labeled as "archaic" by dictionaries. It does not seem to apply to this statement. (It's a statement, not a question.)

Do you know what economy means? Let's suppose you bought a pencil today. Which one? Did you look for a certain brand, or color, or did you grab one from a bin near the checkout? Whether you meant to or not, you voted for that detail, and you paid money to encourage that type of salesmanship. All the purchasing decisions in an area, measured in the local currency for convenience, make up the economy of that area. Economy means management, as in the class "home economy". Management always boils down to pinching pennies, so that is why the word also relates to frugality. But it means management, not money.

It is extremely unlikely that employment can kill management. Or the family, either. So figure out what you are actually trying to ask, and compose a coherent question.

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