My Dad is 25, he adopted me a few years ago. It was the best thing that ever happend to me. He's great. He's a single parent. I'm now 14. I love being with him. But he's really protective of me. Take the normal over protective Dad and mulitpy it but 20. Then you've got my Dad. It's not just with the typical stuff like dating and boys. It's with everyone and everything. Before I was taking into child services I was abused by my parents. My Dad knows that and he's super protective because of it. He's really protective about everyone I meet. Espeacially adults. He holds my hand cross the street and anywhere out side the house. He doesn't let me go to the mall or anywhere else alone and he makes sure I have a babysitter even if he's just running to the store. I get he's worried and protective but he goes a bit over board sometimes. I'm afraid to say anything to him because I don't want to seem ungreatful because he did adopt me and save me. Is there anything I can do to get him to lighten up on the rules just a little bit?