Health benefits of flax seed?

Answers (5)

- May help prevent cancer
- May help with weight loss
- Helps decrease menopausal and hormonal imbalance symptoms
- High in antioxidants
- Supports digestive health
- Helps lower cholesterol

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Flax seed is food. It cures hunger. The various "health" aspects only exist if it is ground. It is very oily, making it difficult to grind. Whole grain bread is equally beneficial but it is already ground, and a lot cheaper.

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That site pretty much explains it all. Sounds pretty healthy!

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There are many health benefits of flax seeds are as follows.

It help you in reducing total cholesterol.
It is advisable to eat flax seeds to a diabetic person as it consist of Omega-3 fat and high fiber which plays an important role in dealing with diabetes.
High fiber aspect present in flax seeds is also helpful in the fight against colon cancer.
Also it is good for those people who suffer from inflammatory disorders as it contains high Omega-3 essential fatty acids.

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Here more benefits are :

1.Help Regulate Blood sugar women with irregular periods
3.control bleeding during mensuration
4.reduce risk of cencer
6.nerve and brain health
7.weight loss
8.heart health and hair health

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