I'm 15 and my boobs are smaller than half a tennis ball and I have no idea ehat to do. People always say you are too young they will grow naturally you just have to wait but my boobs are not growing. I waited for the past 5 years, ever since 5th grade and still nothing. I feel really stupid, nit because my boobs are not giant. No. I feel stupid because I believe that every girl should experience her boobs growing in her life. I know I'm still just a child but I really want my boobs to get bigger. It's embarrassing that they don't fit the smallest bra (I went to a bra shop and bought the smallest bra they had there because I believed that maybe my boobs will look bigger and it can make me feel good until my boobs start growing) I bought it 8 months ago and still nothing. I've never kissed a guy and I'll be 16 in 5 months. I feel embarrassed when we are on the beach, especially because most of my friends do have really big boobs so mine compared to theirs are even funnier to look at. I really really need an advice. Please don't tell me to wait and that they will grow. My mom has boobs that are not really big but hey at least she's got something. I can't order anything online because then my mom and dad would know and that would be even more embarrassing. Please tell me what to do.