How can I improve my communication skills?

Answers (2)

If you want to improve your copmmunication ,You should increase your initiative,at the same time ,you also should pay attention to your way to talk.

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There was a research conducted and according to that research : 55% of our communication is body language. 38% tone of the voice and only 7% words.
Therefore if you want to improve your communication you will have to work more on body language & tone of the voice.

But the most important thing is confidence. The another research says if you develop confidence you will very easily develop competence.
Therefore if you want to improve your communication, you will have to work more on your self confidence.

And the best way to develop self confidence is to take training form an expert trainer. And in India celebrity life, business & NLP coach S A Anand ( ) is the best.

Therefore if you want to improve your communication, attend his very powerful training and watch his YouTube videos ( ).
S A Anand has been awarded dozens of time & has been appreciated by IIT, L & T, TMU Moradabad & Worldwide Achievers.

Thanks and regards,

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