A database for Paglory is being constructed for storing sales information. A product can be described with a unique product number, product name, selling price, manufacturer name. The product can sale to a particular client and each client have its own unique client number, client name, client addresses, city, pin code, state and total balance to be required to paid. Each client order to buy product from the salesman. In the order, it has unique sales order number, sales order date, client number, salesman number (unique), billed whole payment by the party or not and its delivery date. The salesman have the name, addresses, city, pin code, state, salary of the sales man, delivery date, total quantity ordered, product rate.

1. Identify the entities and attributes for the database for your system (20 marks).
2. Design an ER schema for the database of your system. Specify any assumptions or constraints that should hold on the database. .
3. Create an EER schema (or UML class diagram) for your system; use a Rational UML drawing tool of your choice to draw the UML class diagram, all entity types, their attributes and relationships must be clearly shown. You will also be required to show all cardinality and participation constraints as well as specialization and generalization