As sad as it sounds I've realized over the years many of the people I've considered friends or girlfriends have often not taken me seriously and or taken advantage of me. I wasn't completely oblivious to this. Sometimes I would be afraid to confront them because I may end up alone.... I have a hard time fitting in and can be a people pleaser at times but people also notice I can have a temper at times. Even at jobs sometimes I feel unappreciated or looked down upon. It's not like I don't shower or call in a lot I just seem to don't fit in anywhere I go and it makes me more bitter. When a girl I fall I love with can't even respect me or take me seriouse like I'm just some toy I feel like less of a man. I spend most of my time alone drinking watching movies. I know I need new friends but after high school it's hard to meet new people outside of work