How do illusions manage to trick your mind?

Answers (2)

Illusions come in two different kinds: Auditory and Optical
Right now you are talking about an Optical illusion, these types often are controlled through your mind and eyes.

- Puppet will act as person so the human direct's them to set focus on them. Since the voice is coming from beneath or above, the human mind will look at the puppet, and the mind will also expect the voice is coming from the puppet, instead from the director.

- This is both Auditory and Optical which is a basic illusion.

- There is also plenty of other types of them like card illusions, or card tricks, which probable is equalivent.

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This world is a cosmic illusion, everything in this world is a projection, just like a drama on a stage, just like a mirage in the desert, just like a dream. The mind itself doesn't exist, it's a bundle of thoughts, where is the mind? You cannot find. But the mind appears to be and the mind becomes a slave to this illusion called life. The mind not only believes in all the fairy tales but makes us suffer and makes us worry living with fear, anger, stress, anxiety. Along with the ego, it becomes the ME and creates actions that cause reactions. It stops us from realizing the Truth that we are the Divine Soul. Because the mind stops the intellect from discrimination, the illusion continues to manage to trick the mind. If we activate the intellect, then we can transcend the mind.

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