How do you make those basic quotes with black basic font ?? The ones you see on Insta/tumblr?

Answers (3)

You have single quotes and you have double quotes. You have left hand quotes and right hand quotes. There might be some other quotes I don't know about.

A font is a collection of movable type, usually cast in lead. What people call a font is actually a typeface. There are bazillions of typefaces, some named and some not. You can copyright the name of a typeface, but not the appearance. That is why you see so many identical typefaces with different names. It is fairly easy to invent a new typeface, that is why there is such a bewildering variety. Here is a nice graphic:

Bottom line: nobody knows what you are talking about.

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I don't use those media platforms so I don't know what you are referring to.

The normal quotation marks are created using the quotes provided to you on the keyboard on your computer and phone; "quotation" marks are there, just look.

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I mean..I use pic collage

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