How do you think of the automation of industrial cranes?

Responses (2)

The rapid expansion of the hoisting industry promotes the application of automation products. Although the employ of the automation is still at a relative low level, the crane manufactures and the users realize that the merits of using automation products stage by stage. Cranes at stands for advanced manufacturing level in this field.

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Automated intelligent cranes have an important influence on the development of cranes at this stage, are an important foundation for enterprise development and implementation of production work, and have an irreplaceable position in industrial production. Therefore, in the actual development process, it is necessary to increase the application of automated intelligent crane equipment.

Compared with ordinary manually operated cranes, automated intelligent cranes have the following advantages: In the case of large capacity or harsh working environment, combined with procedures to replace manual operation, it can not only work in harsh environments but also Manage multiple devices according to one program, reducing actual labor costs. The more precise implementation of the operation can make the positioning of the hook clear and reduce the range of drift, especially suitable for processing places and factories with high installation requirements and accurate positioning. It can reduce energy consumption and increase protection. In the actual development process, compared with ordinary cranes, it can save about 60% of electricity and reduce the impact of noise.

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