How does it feel to HAVE a tattoo? I mean, it's a load of ink in your skin, how does that feel like?

Answers (2)

I don't know the physical feeling, and I never will. For me, the psychological feeling would be fear, wondering if the unregulated inks, that can contain allergens and toxins, are going to harm or kill me.

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During the process, it just feels like a bunch of little sharp pinches, sort of like if you were to scratch in one spot with a sharp nail or a not-quite sharp knife continuously. Some say it's worse than others, but personally none of mine have hurt yet. They get kind of itchy throughout the healing process, but once it's healed, it just feels like your skin. Itches just like inkless skin would, and to feel it with a finger is normal too. totally worth it after it's healed if it's something that means anything to you and you don't mind having with you and being buried with. hope that helps

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