How many 10^-6 farad capacitors must be connected in parallel to store 1c cahrge under 110 voltage?

Answers (1)

The coulomb (unit symbol: C) is the International System of Units (SI) unit of electric charge. It is the charge (symbol: Q or q) transported by a constant current of one ampere in one second:

1 C = 1 A ⋅ 1 s

Thus, it is also the amount of excess charge on a capacitor of one farad charged to a potential difference of one volt:

1 C = 1 F ⋅ 1 V

It is equivalent to the charge of approximately 6.242×10^18 (1.036×10^−5 mol) protons, and −1 C is equivalent to the charge of approximately 6.242×10^18 electrons.

The description above uses non-standard symbols. Charge is Q, capacitance is C and voltage is E, capital letter for DC and lower case for ac.

Q = CE given E = 110 volts and Q = 1 coulomb.

C = 1/110 = 0.0090909.... farad

Now you want the answer in microfarads so you apply the LARD rule: Left Add Right Deduct. You want to move the decimal six places to the Right so you Deduct six from the power of ten.

C = 1/110 = 0.0090909.... farad = 9090.9090.... microfarads

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