I have just started my first university essay and i'm not sure how much should be your own ideas and how much you should be combining the views of others. For example I have begun with this first paragraph should I continue with this format? Early management theory such as those of bureaucracy and scientific management are considered classical partly because they are the earliest contributions to the subject we now call organisational theory. (Grey, 2009). The concepts of classical management I will be discussing in this essay will predominantly be those of Frederick Taylor’s scientific management (1911) and Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy. Frederick Taylor’s fundamental ideas of scientific management or ‘Taylorism’ were published in his monographs with the aim to exercise direct control not only over work tasks but also workers, and to instil in them a more ordered and disciplined attitude to work (Anthony, 1977). Taylor proposed four core principles by which managers could implement strong efficient work process. His aim in developing these principles was to avoid improve lack of management knowledge and control of working practices, and more so with what he referred to as ‘soldiering’. Willmott (1993). The context of Bureaucracy refers to the ideas developed by Max Weber. Weber was concerned with understanding the rationalisation of Western Society and understanding the ways in which choices people have were increasinglyconstrained by laws, rules and regulations. (Brooks 2009)

Thanks in advanced for any help