Okay, let me start this off saying i'm 13, and in 7th grade. There's this guy i've liked since 5th grade... And ive been trying to ask him out since 6th. I just can't seem to get the courage. Im really really shy, not just around him, but around anyone who isn't my best friend. I told him i like him about a week ago, but he didn't really say anything. I told him to think about it, but we haven't said much but "hi" when we pass eachother in the hall. My heart still skips a beat (literally. I feel it do something like that at least.) when i see him and sometimes even when i just think about him. Lately i have been very determined to ask him, but i can't approach him. Now i'm doubting if i still like him, and what i really want out of a relationship. Even if i asked him, i wouldnt know where to go because my mom doesn't like me to be anywhere if there's not other people there. (yes, i'm even too shy to tell my mom i'd be on a date.) what should i do?