I got rejected by a girl and I am very sad what should I do?

Answers (3)

I was rejected, too. About a year ago, I was rejected by a girl named Kayla. I kept on loving her. Don't conceal your emotions. Express them.

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i know what u mean my friend asked my crush for me she said nothing but i only found that out 3 weeks later. because my friend lied i think he likes her.but i think hes gonna ask out a another girl my bff no my gf my friend

It's normal to feel sad or even depressed when you get rejected by someone: it would be weird if you didn't feel that way. But you do need to move on, although before you do that, you need to make sure everything is cleared up with her. Go to her one last time and tell her you respect how she feels but than lay your feelings clearly out. If you don't do this, you'll just keep thinking about her.

After that, let time do it's thing. Trust me, you will find another girl who will like you for you and remember, remember you'll always have family and friends! And question.com of course!:)

Good luck!

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You did it too early.

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