If I kicked my mother in law out previously and she went and lived with her daughter, but ended up being kicked out there for behaving the same way as she did at my home, and I allow her to TEMPORARILY come back (one month), Am I MEAN for getting eviction papers ready when she starts drama and says she's going to stay as long as she damn well pleases in my house rent free??
If I kicked my mother in law out previously and she went and lived with her daughter?
Added 3+ months ago:
Both My husband And mother in law say I'm mean, a bitch, and evil. And that you're not supposed to do that to family. I feel that she's the one not treating me right though.
Responses (1)
You have every right to kick her out. It is your house and you have a responsibility to stand up for yourself and not be a door mat. You know she will not stop so why drag it out? Of course she is not going to stop because she's been awarded for bad behavior in the past, I mean look at you taking her back the second time?? She does not feel there are consequences to her actions therefore she sees no wrong in using people to get what she wants out of you. Do not let her suck you dry and ruin your happiness. Ultimately you need to do what is going to make you happy and there isn't a person in the world who should blame you for focusing on your needs and your well being.