I am currently an in-home care provider for my mother with brain cancer. She's still fairly independent in her current state, but requires help with various things. Her room is upstairs in the northwest corner of the house and my room is in the basement in the southeast corner of the house, basically the furthest point away from where she is. It's virtually impossible to hear any amount of yelling or stomping coming from her room. We've tried baby monitors, but there's so much electrical interference that all I hear is loud static, and while she usually calls my cell phone if she needs me, there has been a couple of cases where she either couldn't find her phone, or it was out of reach. I only have two other options, one being move into the laundry room right across from her bedroom, or find some sort of alert system. The product I have in mind is something like a cross between a doorbell and a life alert system. A button she could wear around her neck on a lanyard of sorts, that would set off an alarm in my room, indicating she needs help with something. Doesn't need to be anything fancy, like a PA system, just a simple doorbell. Everything I've seen so far is something with a monthly fee, but I don't see why there can't be something arbitrary enough to avoid another bill. Any suggestions?