Is event management a good profession?

Answers (2)

It's an excellent profession, assuming you have good people skills, taste, are organized, and know how to throw a good party!

The thing to remember with event management and planning: Don't emulate Walmart! You don't want to get stuck in a rut of bargain basement bullshit and miss out on key clientele. Never, ever under-bill or under-sell yourself!

If you keep that in mind, match these traits, work hard and network to the max, you could very well be making a six figure salary by the end of next year!

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If you are having the great skill of organising & planning then Event management is for you. Occasions and events are part of our life. We arranged too many functions. Weddings, engagements, social gatherings and birthday celebrations are all events which we often celebrate at the personal level. For this functions, people prefer the dedicated team to handle all the responsibilities. Event management has bright future due to the element of style, glamour and glitz associated with corporate and social events because of the increasing trend in marketing and retail sector.

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